Collection: Dog Shedding Supplements

Reduce Your Dog's Shedding Today!

It's probably the biggest nuisance about owning dog breeds that shed or other pet. You simply can't keep up with the amount of shedding and dog hair around the house. Excessive shedding somehow gets absolutely everywhere, getting on everything from furniture to clothes. A Nutritional supplement that contains omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil & krill oil help significantly reduce excessive shedding & keep dog skin & coats looking great. Here at Alpha Dog Nutrition, our goal is to deliver exactly that, and veterinarians & pet parents alike would agree that we've successfully done so!


One of the things that we are most proud of here at Alpha Dog Nutrition is that we've remained committed to providing the highest quality dog skin and coat supplements to reduce shedding. This often comes at the expense of our own margins, which is completely okay with us. As long as we are able to make a positive impact in as many dog's lives as possible, we are more than okay with making less money than our competitors.
That's why we remain committed to getting all our products from right here in the United States. The single exception to that is Vitality, which can't technically be sourced from the United States since Krill are an ocean-based organism & the USA obviously doesn't own an ocean! However, Vitality is processed, manufactured, & tested right here in the United States at facilities that actually exist primarily to make human-grade supplements. That's how committed we are to providing the highest quality dog nutritional supplements for shedding & other skin and coat issues to help your dog stay as healthy as possible!

Give The Furminator A Day Off

There's no questioning that dogs are man's best friend, but a close second is more than likely their Furminator brush simply because of excessive shedding. We have high quality dog supplements formulated specifically to reduce shedding in your dog by delivering vitamins to promote a healthy skin & coat. Anti-shedding brushes & grooming simply fight the symptom. Our goal has always been to treat the source of excessive shedding in dogs with top-of-the-line dog shedding supplements to enhance your dog's skin & coat.

Always Free Shipping!

One of the many things we're very proud of here at Alpha Dog Nutrition is that we offer free shipping on every single order. We choose not to offer our products in retail stores simply because we feel that the best way to serve our customers is to help you directly when it comes to your dog's health. With that being said, we understand that is a choice that we made as a company, and for that reason we offer free shipping on each and every one of our orders to help reduce shedding with our krill oil formula.

Customer Service That You'll Actually Enjoy Talking To

Yup, you read that right! Much like our products, our entire team is based right here in the USA - more specifically in Wisconsin. We pride ourselves on bringing our midwestern values to work with us, and we genuinely care about you and your dog. Having owned dogs that a prone to more shedding than we care to admit, we know just how stressful this situation can be. While you love your dog as much as any other family member, it is an incredibly frustrating to deal with dog hair everywhere!
So with that being said, we're here to help! From bringing you world-class dog supplements for shedding and other skin & coat issues, to providing you with advice and support that you need to keep your dog healthy. We're here for you, simply pick up the phone, hit us up on Facebook messenger, or shoot us an email and we will be happy to help!